Monday, 12 October 2015

Pottery buildings redevelopment

The work on the former pottery buildings has moved on considerably since the last update.
This video shows the progress being made and explains the next stages to come to create this spacious venue.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Jack Gregory Explains the Next Steps for Holkham's Redevelopment Project

Now Robsons have finished the primary construction work, with all big openings now made, the next step is to get cracking with the floors, electrics and plumbing in the café! The builders are also demolishing the 1960s parts of the old pottery building to create a new, contemporary space for wedding receptions and events.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

It's a tight squeeze!

It was definitely a tight squeeze to get through this gap! It just goes to show what lengths our contractors go to in order to maintain the traditional features of the courtyard's buildings whilst making them blend in with 21st century facilities for visitors and staff.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Interview with Steve Roberts from Robsons Construction Ltd, the Main Contractor

We recently interviewed Steve Roberts of Robsons to hear about the latest developments of the project and what it will take to make the building watertight. The project is on target to be completed in spring 2016.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Creating New and Exciting Spaces!

We can't believe how far the work has come in the last few weeks! It is hard to recognise the Stables Café and Bygones Museum, but as the building work continues and the spaces become more open plan it is so exciting to be able to see how the areas are going to be used for our new and improved visitor facilities and exhibition! Thanks to Robsons Construction for all their hard work - we can't wait to see what's in store next as the new spaces begin to take shape!

Friday, 26 June 2015

Where's the roof gone?

The Lady Elizabeth Wing to be.

It's clear to see how quickly our redevelopment project is progressing.
The builders are working ahead of schedule on the pottery building, which will become the Lady Elizabeth Wing in 2016. We can't wait to see what it's going to look like!

You could say "Work has definitely started!"

The pile of rubble is getting higher!

As the redevelopment progresses and the builders convert the various buildings, the bricks and rubble are moved to the central courtyard where everything is then collected and taken off site. A pretty impressive pile with the hall peeping above it!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

The Laundry

Redeveloping what we know as the former pottery building into an events venue will not be the first time that this iconic Holkham building has seen a change of use. Here are the plans for the laundry, built to deal with the washing from the hall. The laundry was situated at the east end of the building in what, until recently, became Holkham's Gift Shop.

Being so well situated at the courtyard end of the building, good use was made of the open space as a drying area. Here are Molly and Mary, two of Holkham's laundry maids, surrounded by the many washing lines.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Raising the roof

The roof is coming down! As you can see, work continues apace and every time we take a peek at the contractors, something significant seems to have happened. What will be next?

Thursday, 16 April 2015

The view from the Green State Bedroom

The west end of the pottery building
Visitors to the hall today have had a bird's eye view of the works taking place at the west end of the former pottery building. As you can see, the demolision work has well and truly started.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

As we prepare to open to visitors on 29th March 2015

Not only is the redevelopment project work happening in the old courtyard, but we have been very busy in the park getting temporary facilities in place for our visitors. We now have some great views across the cricket pitch and lake from our pop-up cafe and the ticket office and gift shop are now housed in a smart new marquee with a fun and interesting roof with three peaks!

21st century comforts

An interesting interview with Dan Farrington of K J Tait Engineers who chatted to us about his company's involvement in the project.

A few surprises!

In this video structural engineer Simon Smith talks about the start of the construction work and his involvement.

As the project begins - an update from Tom Kilvert of Hopkins Architects

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

The Cafe in the Park is taking shape

The cafe 17.3.15

We're busy, busy, busy with just over one week to go before we welcome our first visitors back for a new season. The' Cafe in the Park', as it's been named, is taking shape and our temporary facility is certainly looking good as the carpenters fit the counters, the electricians are busy wiring up and plumbers are plumbing! The staff are really eager to get hands on too and put their finishing touches to the place too.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Our cafe has moved into the park!

The new temporary cafe in the park

Getting ready to open at the end of March - In the space of six days, we've gone from the image on the left, with the base and ground works starting for the 'pop-up' cafe in the park, to the image on the right, with the roof on and sides up with windows, which will have wonderful views over the cricket pitch and lake.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Closing the gift shop and the Stables Cafe

Closing our shop and cafe

We've packed away the gift shop and Stables Cafe ready for the building work to commence.Everywhere looks very bare, but when the building project has been completed we will have some wonderful new facilities for our visitors.

Work commences

Our courtyard base camp!
We can now announce that the contractors, Robsons, have arrived and set up camp in the courtyard. Building work starts today - exciting times ahead!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

What we're doing!

Our exciting new project is underway. Watch our video to find out more.